Prom for Class of 2021


Kobra Alizadeh, Website Manager

One of the most memorable moments for seniors is prom. There are many students who are asking the same question; how could prom take place this year? As we all know due to COVID-19 many activities were canceled. Most of the seniors are hoping to have better graduation since this situation has been like this for almost a year now. Because seniors are mature enough to take responsibilities, perhaps prom can be in an outdoor place with everyone wearing masks. A CHS student stated, “It is better than not having anything at all!” 


While this is how students think prom could work, administrators have concerns. It would be hard and a huge responsibility for the administration to have something like this setup. Social distancing would be questioned here because based on CDC recommendations only 50 people are allowed at a time and usually 3 to 4 hundred students attend prom. It would be so hard to provide and keep that social distancing. Based on students’ ideas another possibility for prom to take place involves the vaccine. If the vaccine is available by spring 2021, then prom attendants can provide proof that they received the vaccine at the entrance. But Dr. Irrizary indicated that it’s not a decision made at the high school level, it all depends on CDC and school board approval. “… with the size limit, the gathering limit I don’t think it’s going to be a traditional prom,” he said. He also wanted to hear from students about how we can make something happen right now regarding prom given the current situation. Since holidays are coming up and people are traveling out and into town, it might affect and increase the number of cases, which can change many things and even cancel more events. 


One positive thing is that graduation went very well for the class of 2020 and the administration has very good plans for this year’s class of 2021. “We have a pretty good graduation ready…” said Dr. I. So graduation is all good to go but prom is still not planned because of all odds that are going on. If you have any alternative ideas about prom, administrators are welcoming them, so reach out!