What is Our Key Club Working On?

Photo Credits: @blackknights_keyclub

Frances Reynolds, Staff Writer

International Key Club’s website explains that their mission is to teach “members around the world how to lead and stand for what’s right through service and volunteerism”. Key Clubs have gone global to more than 38 different countries, and are working to continue their expanse. CHS’s Key Club works to uphold the ideals and goals of the worldwide organization it is a part of. Sponsored and fearlessly led by Mrs. Sherry Hodges, the CHS Key Club has a few very important projects in the works right now. 

Mrs. Hodges told KTR that club members are currently volunteering to scoop ice cream for free cone day at Ben & Jerry’s, babysit at one of the city elementary schools, and greet guests at an Impact event. 

Free Cone Day for Ben & Jerry’s at Barracks Road is taking place on the first Monday in April, the day of the CHS spring break. Key Club members have the chance to volunteer their time, anywhere from noon to 8pm, scooping ice cream. This will be a super fun and low-key opportunity for members to help out the community, get some good volunteer hours, and hangout scooping ice cream. 

Greenbrier Elementary just had a meeting for parents and staff, and the Key Club was lucky enough to be able to help out with the event. During the meeting, attendees weren’t all able to find childcare for their kids, so the Key Club helped by volunteering their time babysitting. They looked after the kids while everyone was in the meeting, so that no one would have to worry about childcare, and the possibility of not being able to attend. 

Additionally, and maybe most impactful, Junior Key Club member Nava Khurgel, is working on the Key Club’s partnership with Impact, to help out at one of their upcoming events. Nava explained that Impact is “an interfaith organization that works towards social justice by getting more funding for affordable housing, preschool, and a more efficient transit system.” There was recently an Impact rally to help educate and get people excited for the Nehemiah Action on the 21st. At the action, Impact is going to ask government representatives to promise support to the Impact efforts, and Key Club members will be volunteering as greeters. 

In the past Key Club has helped out with various events at elementary schools as well as volunteering in the Charlottesville area. Sophomore member Alex Blank, volunteered her time as an elf for the Holly Trolley. During last Christmas season, the Trolley went around the downtown mall, and Alex volunteered by “helping kids onto the trolley, giving sticks to the kids, and taking pictures with them.” Alex told KTR how much fun she had while volunteering as part of the Key Club. 

Mrs. Hodges also has some upcoming plans for her Key Club to volunteer with. In past years they have run a pop-tab drive to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House, and they hope to do that again this spring. Also, whenever an elementary school contacts her in need of help with crowd control, babysitting, or Fun Fairs, the Key Club is always happy to help. The CHS Key Club has been very beneficial in the Charlottesville community as well as to their active members. Key Club will be open all to CHS students in the 2023-2024 school to join, and get some great volunteer experiences!