it fell thats how it starts
it falls and falls until it doesnt
a brief life
a long voyage
a sad end
it stopped.
it doesnt move yet somehow
its silence speaksvolumes
it stays waiting for an
ending that will never come
it smothers the bro ken earth
soft yet stagnant
fine and dry like ash
each speck sharp fragile
a faint burn that remains
it f l i c k e r s
never to keep same
a ghost cold distant
cu tti ng the dark
c linging to the edge
a f leeting glow erased
it pi erces
sink deep cant
cant think
it grips the bones
a hunger that never ends
it presses down endless
in mass
layer upon layer
no will to rise
just too much the
ache of being buried alive
it m e l t s
a trace of warmth lost
the world moves on
unmoved unfeeling
as if it never mattered
it was never there