Hello seniors! Congratulations on our last few months together! The clock is counting down, and the finish line feels closer than ever. While the end is near, we aren’t quite there. So let’s look at the upcoming events we have to look forward to.
What else could we look forward to besides the last day of school? But as seniors, we have an obligation to have as much fun as we can before we all go our separate ways. Here are some important events and information to end the year strong!
- Date: May 10th
- Location: The Jefferson Theatre
For more information, contact our Junior SCA or wait for future announcements. We get to party at the CHS Casino at our local Fry Springs Beach Club! It is mandatory that you attend your senior prom (not actually, but you get what I mean). School dances might have sounded cringy or weird to you in previous years, but dressing up and enjoying some time with friends is necessary for the last few months here. Cheap suits and dresses can be found and elaborated on in prior KTR articles. Also, no date can arguably be the best date. So show up and show out!
Senior trip
- Date: TBD
- Location: TBD
The senior student council is currently in the midst of planning our senior trip. The trip itself is when, as a senior class, we all spend a day out of town to enjoy a day filled with activities. This year, our student council is looking at Kings Dominion or Busch Gardens! Updates will be coming to you soon, so keep an eye out for more information about your senior trip!
Senior sunset
- Date: May 2nd (tentatively)
- Location: CHS Turf Feild
Earlier in the year we all happily woke up at six am for a pretty sunrise and some doughnuts! The only change from the sunrise is that, this semester we won’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn. But don’t you worry it will be just as fun. Again planned by the senior student council, we meet and watch the sunset as a large metaphor for ending the year the same way we started. On our turf field, we will meet to enjoy some games, food, and bonding on some clear skyed Friday night closer to the end of the school year. So keep an eye out for any updates.
Senior skip day
- Date: April 25th
- Location: TBD
This day is just as glorious as it sounds, the senior class, you are literally meant to skip school on this determined day. All of the when, where, and what are determined by you as a class! Typically it would be a nice day in late spring when opinions such as Darden Towe and the Rivanna River wouldn’t be freezing and unbearable. So pack your swimsuits and a good mood because this day is one you don’t want to miss!
Decision day
- Date: May 2nd
- Location: CHS Track
Decision day and senior picnic are times to celebrate all of those post-graduation plans. Decisions Day isn’t exclusive to students planning on attending university. Although it is when those going to a 4-year institute will know their next steps, those looking at a gap year, taking time to serve, or going into careers immediately are encouraged to show up and show out with their plans. As almost a spirit day, senior students wear clothes representing their plans after high school to school and are again encouraged to stay and hang out with friends at one of our fields for photos, games, and food to celebrate all of our decisions!
Senior assassin
- Date: Starts post-spring break, ends when all are eliminated
- Location: NOT CHS
This game doesn’t literally include an assassin. It’s run by and planned by students in the senior class. Rules and regulations are made from the class following typical guidelines. However, the game is structured around the idea that all who want to be included pay about 5-20$ to a “pool”. This “pool” money goes to a trusted student as the “bank”. Then through rounds of elimination by a water gun, seniors widdle down to the final “assassin”. This final student standing as the “assassin” then wins all of the money everyone paid in at the beginning. Prize winnings are typically in the hundreds of dollars considering the interest students show.
Senior prank
- Date: May 16th (Last day of school)
- Location: CHS
Oh boy, the senior prank. On our last day, the seniors are to come in early and execute the “prank” of their choice. Last year, our seniors closed off parking as their prank, and I think there were balloons in the hallway. As a class, let’s brainstorm something more memorable than that. Looking up senior pranks on social media is a good way to spark ideas or hearing stories from other schools is good as well. Although it’s just time to brainstorm right now, any props or necessary items will need to be bought by the students prior to our last day.
Senior gift
- May 16th (Last day of school)
- Location: CHS
The Senior gift is our way of saying thank you to the students and staff who have made us get as far as we have. It’s a gift left on our last day – typically a signed poster, or something for pep rallies. Ideas include a new spirit stick, an art piece for the halls, or collected funding for something of our choice. Whatever we want to leave to improve the staff or student day-to-day.
Last bell
- Date: May 16th
- Location: CHS Atrium
What is the last bell? Well, it is literally the last school bell we are hearing. On our last day of school all of the seniors will meet in the Atrium during the last few minutes of seventh period. As a send off we will listen to the bell then be free for summer!
Graduation and rehearsal
- Dates: Graduation; May 22nd / Rehearsal;
- Location: JPJ
Graduation is on May 22nd at JPJ. Students should purchase their caps and gowns before this date. Options for purchase are the packets available from our college guidance counselor, Ms. Gregory. Her office can be found in the guidance hallway in the front office of CHS. Other cheaper options are Amazon or finding slightly used ones. Tickets for friends and family, as well as more information about invitations, will be sent out closer to the date. The ceremony itself will be rehearsed the day prior, on May 21st. Students will learn the walk-through, practice walking the stage, and experience their graduation before the big day to calm all of those nerves.
- Scholarship links
Lastly, as a little extra help for those of you looking for financial assistance going into the next few years, below are links to scholarships helpful for students going into university.
- https://www.cvillescholarship.com/scholarships
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eLU2g299e7VOFpsfMOrNRVuAC7U4OWz11vbWiJvOYvE/edit?gid=1283475801#gid=1283475801
- https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarships-by-state/virginia-scholarships
Senior-itis is real, absences will happen, and you are not crazy or a bad person for being late or unmotivated. You have been doing this high school thing for a long time, and there is a lot on our minds. However, one thing you have to remember is that your future starts now. These last few months aren’t something you can skip through but instead, something you need to cherish. This not only means time with family and friends, but also time with teachers, time logging into your CCS email, and even hearing off and away every morning, because before you know it this whole time will just be a memory. So, make good memories and celebrate yourself as much as possible before your last hoorah at graduation!
Once again, Congratulations, Black Knights!