Nestled within the bustling corridors of Charlottesville High School is a remarkable group of students sparking a powerful movement. The Young Feminists Club, co-led by the dynamic duo of Evelyn Wellmon and Lydia Bloor, isn’t your run-of-the-mill school club; according to the leaders of the Young Feminists Club, it’s an “inspirational force for change” and a haven for “inclusivity, empowerment, and social awareness.”
Amidst a sea of extracurricular activities often centered around leisure and recreation, the Young Feminists Club emerges as a beacon of purpose. Ev and Lydia, both passionate advocates for gender equality and inclusivity, aren’t just steering the ship during meetings but are sculpting a more inclusive school culture one meeting at a time.
Co-president Ev Wellmon shared “We meet with Ms. Grimesey a lot and talk about what we want the meetings to look like and how they best work. Think long term as well, like last year we did a really large fundraiser for Afghan Girls. It required meticulous planning and execution, but the sense of achievement was immense.”
The Young Feminists Club’s principals extend to global causes as they work with different organizations within our community such as the Shelter for Help and Emergency. They connect the issues within our school to world issues and help to educate, inform, and invigorate the Charlottesville High School community.
Co-president Lydia Bloor shares that she thinks “STEM is a big one because we haven’t really done that collaboration in past years. We’re considering initiatives like a voting drive for the upcoming election, focusing on voter registration for women, which is a critical issue.”
While spearheading innovative projects is on their agenda, Ev and Lydia remain steadfast in their commitment to creating an environment that is both welcoming and educational for every club member.
Ev Wellmon says that she wants “girls to support each other in high school, and I hope our club creates that culture. It’s a unique blend of education, advocacy, and fun. We’re not just here to talk; we’re here to inspire change.”
Inclusivity isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a core principle for the Young Feminists Club. Ev and Lydia emphasize the importance of intersectional feminism, which in simple terms means taking into account the different ways that each woman experiences discrimination. They recognize that sexism and feminism manifest differently for individuals from various backgrounds.
Lydia says “I think this will be a goal for our club for many years. Achieving a diverse membership base is challenging but essential, and we’re committed to making it happen.”
In the world of high school clubs, the Young Feminists Club at Charlottesville High School stands as a shining example of what passionate, student-led initiatives can achieve. By fostering collaboration and raising awareness, Ev, Lydia, and their fellow members are not just focused on individual change but are actively working to create a brighter future for our community and beyond. In a society that frequently grapples with inclusivity, they stand as beacons of hope, illuminating the path and demonstrating that profound change is ignited by a united group of dedicated individuals, driven by a common purpose.