Left Twix vs Right Twix

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December 12, 2022
Left Twix or right Twix? The age-old question that has separated families, started wars, and shattered friendships. Whether you prefer the enhanced crunchiness of the left Twix or the added caramel of the right Twix, one thing’s for sure, you have an opinion. Since Twix launched the “Pick a Side” campaign in 2012, the rivalry has continued to gain intensity and with Halloween recently occurring, the tensions between sides are heightened.
Although many claim that the two sides have no difference, Twix along with many other experts beg to differ. Even the definition of the two candies differ. According to Twix, the right Twix is “Enrobed in chocolate with drizzled caramel with a crunchy cookie inside” while the left is “Coated in chocolate with cascaded caramel with a crispy cookie inside.” This shows the fundamental difference between the two candies. The company also set up a website sharing “Our Story.” The lore states that brothers Earl and Seamus created the candy together but they differed in opinion on how to pour the chocolate. This argument split the operation into two factories to make left Twix and right Twix.
The true story of Twix is far less entertaining. It was invented by Forrest Marrs in Mars Limited headquarters in 1967 where it was originally called Raider, not Twix. It was then changed to Twix decades later when introduced to the United States in 1999. In the 90s, they successfully tried different variations such as replacing the caramel with peanut butter and selling a frozen version. In more recent years, they also have made mint and cookies and cream variations.
Now for the question we’ve all been waiting for: Do C.H.S. students prefer left or right Twix? There were many valid arguments for both sides: “People ask ‘Are you all right? Not all left’”, “Because right Twix is atrocious. Like so awful. Never in my life would I voluntarily eat it”, “It’s the right choice (Pun)”, “I’ve been a right Twix all my life but I got enlightened the other day when I ate a right and realized the caramel was chewy, unlike the smooth caramel in left Twix. Left reigns supreme”, “I don’t know, just personal experience”, “She left me but I was always right”, and “Left Twix is him.” In the end, with a majority vote of 57.1 to 42.9 percent, left Twix wins.