The Importance of Comprehensive Sex Education

Ella Love, Staff Writer

It is no secret that the teaching of Sex Education in schools is a controversial topic. Schools all around the nation have different ways of teaching this topic if taught at all… Charlottesville High School lacks certain parts of this education. Sex Education in the United States is limited in both content and providing students with a proper course. The correct teaching of Sex Education should be mandatory to ensure safe decisions in years to come. Although all controversy regarding Sex Education may lead to less education, it should be implemented and taught correctly to further prepare adolescents for a safe and healthy future. 

Sex Education is the one school subject that should be providing students with knowledge concerning sexual relationships and safety protocols. Mrs. Brantley, the coordinator of Health/PE at Charlottesville High School expressed that “There is a lot of misinformation out there regarding these topics so I think it is important for students to receive factual information to help inform their decisions.” Promoting these classes positively impacts and prepares students with resources for safer options and overall maintaining a healthy life.

There are many consequences that can result in this lack of a proper Sex Education course. When a child does not get the opportunity of being educated they can be put at an increased risk of unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), and an overall lack of knowledge on individual health. Not only does it affect the understanding of safety but also students’ personal well-being and mental health, including healthy/unhealthy relationships, substance abuse, and discrimination. 

Students and teachers seemed to have similar opinions on this topic of importance. An anonymous student from Buford Middle School expressed,“I think these classes can be awkward for some of the students and that’s why they may not spend as much time on it, but it is still very important.” Mrs. Brantley also informed me that “While many feel uncomfortable talking about these topics in general, I have found that many appreciate having a space to ask questions about the topic.”

So what does this mean we as adolescents can do to educate ourselves? A program called Teen Connections, run by Planned Parenthood teaches students about different topics revolving around Sex Education, including pregnancy prevention, STI transmission, and how to build stronger, healthier relationships with each other. This is very helpful for students that are not offered a Sex Education course at their schools

The general consensus is that all students should be provided with reliable and factual information about sex, sexual relations and other various issues in order to make the correct decisions in their futures. Sex Education should not be seen as an inappropriate subject taught at school, but more of an essential and important component of high school education.