The First Lasts of Senior Year
November 19, 2021
As fall sports are ending, and new seasons are starting, many seniors have begun to realize that they are experiencing many “lasts.” The senior class has iconically been valued by teachers and other grades, and are given privileges such as private lunch, superiority, and front row seats to every game. Many seniors did not realize how fast this year is going by, and that graduation is nearing. But with the first quarter ending and seniors submitting college application letters, reality has hit a little harder.
Ms. Showalter, who has been teaching seniors English and writing skills for over 10 years, says, “Every year I want seniors to leave high school with the ability to be self-starters and to be successful in college. For example, they have good study habits and are capable of college-level writing for any and all courses.” She also says that “every year it’s hard to send off and say goodbye to her students, but it’s always exciting when they come back, and I see how much they’ve grown.” Teachers around the school are working to prepare students for life on their own after high school.
Along with preparation for independence, many students are also trying to live in the moment and enjoy the lasts of their high school career. Seniors are celebrated for their participation in sports, clubs, and other activités around the school. High schools around the country for years have been separated by grades and certain stereotypes for each grade. Seniors are typically at the top of the school and feel a sense of adventure and uncertainty about the future. Chance Brewer, a senior at CHS says that “after high school, I’m planning on traveling to Europe with my friends, and then come back and go to college.” Chance, along with many other seniors have similar plans for their future and are eager to start them. He also shares that he “will miss his friends, new and old,” as well as other aspects of CHS.
This time in adolescence for seniors is bittersweet, filled with feelings of sadness as they think about leaving their friends, but also are excited for things to come. Seniors should enjoy the last moments of high school but make sure they remember the work necessary for success after high school. Students in other grades, along with teachers and administration, should acknowledge and support the senior class in order for them to feel accomplished and proud of all they have completed so far.