Yay Graduation

June 1, 2021
As the last day for seniors approaches on May 28th. Most are already excited about school finishing, and others are not. Some will probably be emotional that school has come to an end, and others won’t. A lot of seniors are excited to start college this fall, and other students. May take a gap year or decide not to go to college at all. When it comes to deciding what to do after graduating, it can be an intimidating decision but if you plan it out. You should be fine. I asked a student from CHS. “ Are you excited for graduation, and you’re planning to go to college after?” Jennifer Hernandez, a senior, said she is excited and is planning on going to college.
With graduation given on June 5th, at 10 am. Seniors will be expected to arrive in time, and at least 30 minutes before starting time. Each student will have four tickets, so they will be able to bring only four family members. The graduation ceremony will be held at the CHS stadium. You are expected to be on time and will be required to wear a mask. You will be expected to be six feet apart from all time. Regarding your family members. With the graduation ceremony being a huge thing for seniors. You are required to wear your cap and gown. If you still haven’t ordered your cap and gown you can contact the school to make arrangements.
With the last day of school approaches for seniors, and then graduation. The only thing to do is enjoy your last two weeks of class, and congratulations to the class of 2021.