CHS Students Post Vaccine Plans

May 24, 2021
If you notice a classmate is missing from their usual seat, it’s quite possible they’re out getting their vaccine! I have certainly observed the increase in high school students getting vaccinated and went myself earlier this week. Sixty-nine percent of the fifteen C.H.S students surveyed said they have already been vaccinated, and eighty percent of those who have not yet been vaccinated said they are planning to be.
Even after being fully vaccinated, it is still very important to take precautions like wearing a mask, staying six feet away from others, and avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces in public locations since there is still more to learn about the spread of COVID-19. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel; the CDC says it is okay for fully vaccinated people to visit other fully vaccinated people indoors without masks or other social distancing precautions. This will make some activities that were dangerous in a pre-vaccine world safe. In hopes, after a hard year, C.H.S students are finally getting something to look forward to; post-vaccine plans.
Many students are looking forward to something as simple as spending time with friends and family outside of their household. “I have not been vaccinated yet, but I am definitely planning on it,” says C.H.S senior Sophie Payne, who adds, “I’m super excited to be able to hang out with friends without the fear of getting sick or getting others sick.” Students being able to get their vaccines is also great news for working Black Knights like C.H.S Junior, Caroline Jaffe who says “I’m looking forward to being able to hang out more comfortably with my friends and feel safer when working.” Summer jobs are especially common among high schoolers, so it works out well that most students will be fully vaccinated before break, as customer service jobs can put employees at risk for catching covid from customers or co-workers.
The vaccine also makes fun summer plans a possibility for students like C.H.S senior Reece McKee, who is looking forward to being able to travel and eat at restaurants, plus C.H.S Sophomore, Yeny Vega who is excited to take trips to the beach and go out without fear of getting infected. If you’re interested in getting your vaccine, check out; stay safe C.H.S!
Vaccinate Virginia: