Update on Online School

March 20, 2021
With students returning back to school this week, a lot of students seem excited to go back to school in-person while the online school continues for other students. The School board made a plan to return students into a hybrid in-school model which will start on April, 12th, 2021, after spring break. The hybrid in-school model will be something different. There will be school days where you stay at home and other days where you go to school.
As students start returning back to school, I asked two students from CHS, “How has the online school been for you since it started?” Jordi Lopez-Sanchez, a junior, says, “ I personally did not like an online school. I let myself create a lazy work ethic.” Another junior from CHS, Ehnay Soe, says, “ Online school has been different for me. I personally liked to learn face to face and not over Zoom.” Both of the students did not really enjoy zoom classes, but with all students returning back to school on April 12th, those who did not seem content will probably be happy to go back.
As online school still continues, the best thing you can do is take a mental break from schoolwork and spend some time on self-care. With students having the option to return back to school after spring break. This could be something that could improve students’ mental health. By interacting with other students, and not looking at the screen all day, and you won’t have to be in your room anymore.