Will School Be Extended Into the Summer?

March 8, 2021
As we continue online learning, The School Board has decided to return students on March 8th. Only the students who need it most. This could include students who are struggling with virtual learning. Also, ESL Students and special education students. As of March 8th approaches, many have questions about whether the school will be extended into the summer due to students missing in-class learning.
I asked Ehnay Soe, a junior from CHS, “What are your thoughts of school being extended into the summer?” He replied, “ I don’t agree with extending school into the summer because students need time for themselves.” Unfortunately, Gov. Ralph Northam has created a plan that will extend school into the summer, he is planning to do this because he wants to make up for all the time lost during the pandemic. He feels like all that crucial time lost needs to be made up for the students who struggled during the virtual learning environment. The extensions of school into the summer could apply to students who only struggled the most with their grades, and were unable to finish their assignments.
With Covid-19 cases going down you can ensure a safe return for students to come back to school. The safety of the student is the top priority for Gov. Ralph and he feels like the best option is to extend school into the summer because he said, “Children definitely learn better when they are in a classroom. Social interaction is important, and we have seen higher rates of depression, which is so unfortunate.” With this being an issue for students the best thing you can do is encourage your students to stay positive and practice self-care.
Students will make a return back to school on March 8th and we can expect the school to extend into the summer for students who have been struggling with an online learning environment.