How are Elementary School Students Doing?
December 17, 2020
KTR has brought its readers multiple articles and videos about how virtual school is affecting high schoolers. We’ve given you advice on how to stay focused, and we’ve worked hard to keep you updated on everything regarding school and Covid. But how are all of our littles doing? Many students and staff have family members in elementary school, so how is this virtual setting changing their world?
The hardest part for kids seems to be that virtual school can get boring quickly. When asked if he liked online school, third-grader Stephen Brissett, who has generally enjoyed school so far replied, “No. I only like it because sometimes I can sneak on my computer and play video games. I miss lunch and recess. But I need something new, hype, you know.” His babysitter also said that he had a hard time focusing in certain classes. However, anytime the teacher created an interactive game, he seemed engaged and excited. For example, during English, the teacher asked to do different dance moves to identify which silent letters were in each word, i.e, to dab whenever a word makes a ph sound.
Stephen said his favorite part of school was his one on one time with his third grade teacher, “It’s just fun to talk to her. We just talk about how school’s going, how life’s going. It’s nice!” Throughout my interview with Stephen, he seemed to be trying to articulate that he missed being around other people and learning in new ways every day. His favorite parts of online school were the times when he got to talk or engage, play new games, or listen to his teacher reading aloud. He loves getting to make Google Slide Show Presentations about the things he’s learned to show to his family and friends. Really kids love all of the things that make them feel like, just for a second things are back to normal.
So while virtual school has been hard, it would have been ten times worse without C.C.S teachers working as hard as they can to make this year special and suitable for students, and that hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Teachers have worked so hard to make adjustments to help students do better. One elementary teacher created a blue button that says push blue. Whenever her students want to talk, she can tell them to push blue, instead of them having to try and locate the un-mute button. Another beautiful incident of teacher efforts was a a couple months ago, when all the Johnson Elementary School Staff drove around in a wonderfully noisy parade to celebrate the students. Students and parents will be eternally grateful for all that teachers have done.
One elementary school teacher said that this year has “Allowed for more collaboration between teachers, which means that students are getting lessons that are better planned, so that’s super exciting. It’s also cool to see students try new things or get excited about different platforms.” The teacher went on to say that the hardest thing for students is that their social lives are lacking so much.
When we finally get to go back in person, school will be a better place for young students. They will get to see their friends and teachers every day, and they will get the added bonus of all this new and helpful technology and lessons teachers have learned to use.