Is Violence a Possibility?

November 23, 2020
This year’s election for president was different and something we have never seen before. We saw a lot of mail-in ballots due to Covid-19, which ended up causing millions of Americans to wait a couple of days to find out who won the election.
On May 25, 2020, police officers killed George Floyd, which provoked protests across the country; the protests took place in Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and many more cities. Many business owners feared something similar would happen after the election, such as violence from both sides of the supporters. In major cities like Chicago and Philadelphia, several local business owners and big brand stores boarded their stores, just in case violence or looting erupts. When questioning the likelihood of violence, I got the chance to interview two CHS students. Ehnay Soe, a Junior, thinks violence is an unlikely outcome of this election: “It’s pretty apparent that many people are upset because of the election results, but I don’t think much violence will occur, mainly because of Covid-19.” While another Junior, Asish Tamang, was pretty blunt about what he thinks: “I don’t really care, but if it happens in the future. It is what is.”
Since the outcome of the 2020 election, there has been little to no violence from supporters. On the day Joe Biden was declared the next president of the United States Of America, his supporters were all celebrating peacefully. In Clark street in Chicago, there were hundreds of people that were waving American flags and cheering. People were yelling from their windows and blaring car horns in the street. In Washington D.C. there was a mariachi band playing to huge crowds of people. As most of the Biden supporters celebrated, Trump supporters gathered together and started chanting “Stop the Steal.” This occurred in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
As countless Americans celebrate throughout our country, no large and immense violence has occurred, which is excellent. This country needs to be reunited and healed, so let’s see what our new president has in store for us!