Top 5 Places to Watch the Sunset

November 23, 2020
As winter approaches, we find ourselves in the prime of sunset season. In this article, I am going to give you the top 5 places to watch the sunset in Charlottesville and surrounding areas.
5. Washington Park – Sit atop the hill and watch the sun run away into the night.
4. Driving east on 250 – Take some time during your drive to acknowledge and appreciate the sunlight over the blue ridge.
3. The Afton Inn – This location is pretty removed from Charlottesville, but beautiful nonetheless. The 20 minute drive is worth it.
2. Water Street parking garage – This spot gives you an awesome view of the downtown mall as well as the sunset. A true 2 for 1 deal.
1. Carters Mountain – The first choice for obvious reasons, a beautiful view atop an awesome mountain with many exciting features.