Wheres the Pep in the Pep Rally?
Photo Credits of Connor Jackson
Isabelle Buckner and Imogen Armstrong compete in one of the annual pep rally activities.
March 9, 2020
Over the past few years, many students, as well as administrators here at Charlottesville High School, have noticed a drastic change in the number of students attending pep rallies, as well as other school spirit events. It was especially noted during the winter pep rally on February 7th, as half of the junior and senior sections had gone missing, and alarm was raised to attendees.
The purpose of the pep rally American phenomenon is to encourage groups of students to support sports teams at their high school. During such, cheerleaders and the school band, along with class rivalry games, entertain student sections and join in the intent of encouraging celebration. Yet in recent years, the students here at C.H.S. have seemed to lose interest in these events.
“They are boring and a waste of time. Personally, if there is a pep rally at the end of the day, I get picked up by a parent,” said an anonymous student in a recent survey, which was seeking to dig out student opinions on the subject. “I do not want to sit in a crowded area with almost everybody in the school because it gets very boring and is hot. Pep rallies are not really needed and do not boost student mood at all.” Many students have also claimed these events are now “boring” or “not entertaining”. With such student opinions, which in the same survey mentioned earlier gave the percentage of (64.3%) of students who now chose to ditch these events, major concern is raised in the organizers of spirit activities.
“Students who skip need to realize that student council along with other groups here at C.H.S. work hard in assembling these events, based on student request,” said Autum Hiller (12), the Senior Class President on the Student Council Association. Pep Rallies, while yes being mandatory, are for the purpose of student enjoyment. It seems that when more students chose not to attend, the overall feeling of school pride and spirit is brought down. Student feedback has been heard on the subject of how to improve pep rallies, such as the need for louder microphones, wanting a change in student face off events, and for more teacher involved games. While these requests will try to be met, it seems it is up to students to bring the joy back into these events.
The more students who chose to attend pep rallies and to participate in the overall spirit of Charlottesville High School will help aspire younger classes and school generations to participate in Black Knight pride.