Working Black Knights

Dakari Pleasants (12) working hard for the money.
February 7, 2019
High school is a time where you really start to do your own thing and become your own person, however, doing so can be difficult without having some extra money. The way to earn money during high school is to get a part time job. Many students at C.H.S. have jobs, ranging from working retail to working at the carwash.
Unless you are working in an agricultural field, then you must be 16 years old to obtain a Minor’s work license and get a job. However, You must be 18 to work in potentially hazardous conditions, such as the Military or Police force.
Many students at C.H.S. choose to work in retail or food, and the hard work of many of our very own counselors and student guides have helped many C.H.S students obtain jobs all over Charlottesville. C.H.S offers many programs to help students get jobs, including The Student Employment Assistance Program, and the WALK Program. Both of which are C.H.S run programs, as opposed to City programs with a school branch. While jobs are not necessary, many people enjoy the extra spending money. Senior Dwane Greenwood said in an interview with the KTR that; “ The extra money is very useful, I get paid every 2 weeks and can use the money for whatever.” Showing that having spending money during High School is very nice and offers many more opportunities for activities.
While the money is nice, and the work experience can help later in life, the job application process can be very stressful for many. Some jobs require background checks and drug testing, while others just require a simple interview. Dwane Greenwood stated that the application process was “Very quick and easy, they had a drug test and some easy questions.” Showing that not all job applications are scary.
Jobs can open up many opportunities for advancement in that field, and can provide funding for whatever fun activities you choose to partake in. Obviously some jobs pay better than others, but as long as you are doing something you care about, then the money will seem like an added benefit.