CHS Teacher Couples: Mr. and Mrs. Rossello

February 13, 2018


KTR: So, how did you two meet?

Amy: We met here, at school.

Matt: I would conveniently walk by her room on the way out each day, pause in her doorway, look in, have a little conversation and be on my way.

Amy: That makes you sound very… creepy. It was your first year teaching here, I did my student teaching that year and then in the spring I subbed for Ms. Pritchard, for her Spanish class, so I was a long term sub. And that’s when we really probably met, when I was a long term sub.

Matt: My first year, I was floating which means that I didn’t have my own classroom, so I had a little cart that I’d push around to my different classrooms throughout the day.

KTR: Were you the one that made the first move then?

Matt: Yeah, so we were walking out to our car one day after school and I asked–

Amy: — Your car. Not our car.

Matt: Oh yeah, my car, our separate cars and I asked if she wanted to go to Maya for dinner, the next night maybe? I think it was a Friday? I don’t know what day it was.

Amy: I hope you would’ve given me more notice than one night.

Matt: Oh you had to think it over apparently?

Amy: No I responded!

Matt: No, she said yes.

Amy: Yes that was our first date, we went to Maya.

KTR: That’s a good choice! Why there? What was your thought process?

Matt: So I had actually game planned with another teacher about how I was going to ask her out, that teacher doesn’t work here anymore, but I shared an office with her since I was a floater, I had my own office then, and yeah we came up with Maya, we came up with when I was going to ask her out and everything.

KTR: So you had the full game plan huh?

Matt: Yeah!

KTR: So how long have you two been together?

Matt: Well we got together shortly after that, so like what 10 years?
Amy: Yeah 10 years. We’ve been married for 6 years.

KTR: So what’s it like working in the same building?

Matt: It’s fine, because we have enough stuff to do on our own schedules that we don’t like, see each other all the time.

Amy: Like we don’t see each other, this is not normal for us to be together during lunch. And plus like we don’t really know anything different since we met here.

Matt: It’s not like I’m going out of my way to swing by her room and eat lunch. Not that I wouldn’t, it’s just I don’t have enough time.

Amy: But it’s kind of nice I think, because we can understand each other’s jobs. We have a lot of the same kids.

Matt: There’s plenty to talk about outside of school.

Amy: Yeah, sometimes too much.

KTR: You talk about the students right? Is that one of your favorite activities?

Matt: Only good things, of course.

KTR: So you said you guys have a lot of the same students?
Amy: Oh yeah.

Matt: Yeah, like over half.

Amy: We have a lot of the same students. Or if we don’t have them in the same year we have them at some point.

Matt: Yeah, like World History and Geometry is a common overlap, or if she has them as freshman in AP Human, I may have them as seniors in AP Stats as well.

Amy: I don’t know that they all like that.

Matt: Well, they’ve changed a lot from a freshman to a senior.

Amy: No, I mean sometimes if they have us in the same year, like they’ll complain to us about the other one.

Matt: Not because they have us both, but because something happened in one class.

Amy: Right, like they think that I should take care of it. Like “Let me tell you what your husband did,” or “You and your husband, you both do too much,” or something like that.

KTR: Pick up lines, Amy, if you saw him walking through the hallway and he didn’t make the first move what pick up line are you using, what are you saying to him?

Matt: I think we both know pick up lines don’t work…

Amy: Yeah, I would probably not use one… yeah I probably would not have tried to pick you up.

Matt: I guess it was just my dazzling charm.

Amy: Maybe it was your nice hair or something, the curly hair.

Matt: Thanks Amy.

KTR: What’s your favorite thing about each other?

Matt: I think my wife is very caring. She always has had a lot of empathy and is always trying to please other people.

Amy: That’s sweet.

Matt: And she’s very good looking.

Amy: Um…

Matt: Wow, nothing. Thanks.

Amy: No! I just don’t want to say the same thing as you. But you’re very, I don’t know, you take care of me. That’s how I feel. Like I can always rely on you. I can trust you 100% with anything. I can totally be myself.

KTR: What’s your least favorite thing about each other, what really bothers you.

Matt: Well I think mine is related to my favorite thing too. She’s so caring that she’s working a lot She puts a lot of time into school outside of it, and into things, you know it’s not always hangout time when we get home. It’s work some more, so she’s a hard worker which makes it tough but I mean, I like that least, but I know it’s all for this job.

Amy: I’m trying to think of like, a little thing you do around the house that bothers me. Um, somehow like the drawers are always open, like cabinets are always open. Like dirty laundry doesn’t make it into the basket it’ll be like next to the basket, or like halfway hanging on the basket. That’s my biggest complaint about you. Or like, you open up packages and then you just leave the trash like not thrown away. I’m like do you need this?

Matt: And then it magically disappears!

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