Leia Bellavance-Ratrie
Grove Road Intersection
The student car line & intersection are always busy during pick-up. People are leaving school to go to work, practice, other after-school activities, hang out with friends, or even just go home. However, getting out is always a slight headache as there is always a long line to leave. This leads to the Grove Road & Concord Drive intersection where people tend to rush to leave. KTR interviewed some students to get their perspective on the traffic circle
“The intersection serves a purpose but the whole system could improve. it’s currently a lot more complicated than it needs to be. There should be someone to help with the crossing process. Especially at schools, people must be very careful when driving as it puts people at risk” says Evylyn Bell, a freshman at CHS
“The biggest problem is when students drive recklessly. It also gets clogged up after school. We could build another route out of school, however, that would require cutting down more trees” says Riley Moss, a junior at CHS.
“It is very insufficient and takes a long time to get out of the school. There should be more exits and a traffic guard to direct traffic,” says Brooke Cormons, a sophomore at CHS.
Hopefully, the intersection continues to improve to be safe and effective to serve its purpose. The intersection is an influential part of the school and like everything else, we have to strive for improvement.